Display of licensed status consultation response
30 July 2020
In early 2020, we consulted on proposals to update licence condition 8.1 (display of licensed status) for gambling operators offering gambling products online.
Our consultation proposals wanted to make changes to licence condition 8.1.1 and 8.1.2 and to introduce a new licence condition (licence condition 8.1.3). These changes aimed to:
- standardise the type of information that must be displayed on business-to-customer (B2C) and business-to-business (B2B) websites and mobile applications about an operator’s licensed status, and
- extend the requirements to non-commercial societies, local authorities and external lottery managers offering access to lottery products online.
Our objective in making these changes is to improve visibility of a licensee’s licensed status for customers of online gambling products, supporting our work to keep gambling fair and safe.
Standardisation of the form of displayed licensed statuses will also enable us to better use data tools when we carry out compliance activity to check the licensed status of a gambling website or mobile application.
We received 30 written responses to the consultation which ran for 12 weeks. The consultation response summarises the responses received and explains our final position on each proposal.
Changes to the Licence Conditions and Codes of Practice (LCCP) because of this consultation will take effect on 31 October 2020.
They will affect all online B2C operators, remote B2B operators, non-commercial societies and local authorities holding society lotteries licences, and external lottery managers. Alongside changes to licence condition 8.1, we plan to produce guidance for operators on the format to be used for displaying licensed status.
Last updated: 11 August 2021
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