Blog posts
Blog posts from teams across the Gambling Commission.
Posts by Ben Haden
New data and updates for the Gambling Survey for Great Britain
Our Director of Research and Statistics Ben Haden discusses the latest wave of participation data for the Gambling Survey for Great Britain and provides an update on the next steps.
19 September 2024 - Statistics and research.
Gambling Survey for Great Britain - First Annual Report
Our Director of Research and Statistics, Ben Haden, reflects on the publication of the First Annual Report from the Gambling Survey for Great Britain.
25 July 2024 - Statistics and research.
Gambling Survey for Great Britain – Wave 1 results published
Our director of research and statistics, Ben Haden, talks through the launch of the first wave of data from the Gambling Survey for Great Britain, and the plans for the future.
29 February 2024 - Statistics and research.
Reflecting our international collaboration – IAGR conference 2022
My colleague Jamie Wall recently wrote a blog about the work that we are doing here at the Commission developing our global role, including collaborating with our international colleagues.
15 December 2022 - Communications.
Making better use of operator data
Operator data is a rich resource in terms of ensuring how we understand how the market is developing, appreciate how interventions we make are (or aren’t) having an impact and at a fundamental level ensure we charge the right fees and can forecast and manage income and finances.
6 October 2023 - Statistics and research.
Looking forward to the Setting the Evidence Agenda Conference
The Gambling Commission is a people-focused regulator that’s evidence-led. So we need the best data, the best research we can get, in order to do our job and make gambling safer, fairer and crime free here in Great Britain.
2 March 2023 - Statistics and research.
Help us improve to our statistics
Ben Haden, our Director of Research and Statistics, reflects on some thought-provoking engagement at the start of the pilot phase for our new approach to collecting statistics on gambling participation and those who may experience difficulties with their gambling.
24 November 2021 - Statistics and research.
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