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Local area risk assessments

Information for premises licence holders around the local risk assessments they must conduct for each of their premises.

Published: 17 May 2021

Last updated: 28 November 2022

This version was printed or saved on: 27 July 2024

Online version: https://www.gamblingcommission.gov.uk/licensees-and-businesses/guide/local-area-risk-assessments

Overview: Premises licence holders must conduct a local risk assessment for each of your current premises. This is a social responsibility code which helps you demonstrate how you aim to address the local risks to the licensing objectives.

LCCP: Social responsibility code 10.1.1

LCCP: Ordinary code 10.1.2

This applies to:

You will also be required to conduct or update a risk assessment when:

What should a local risk assessment include?

When conducting local risk assessments you must take into account the relevant matters identified in your licensing authority’s statement of licensing policy.

We expect your risk assessment to be structured in a manner that offers sufficient assurance that your premises has suitable controls and procedures in place. These controls should reflect the level of risk within your particular area, which will be determined by local circumstances.

Your risk assessment should take into account the risks presented by the local landscape. For example, if you are near a school it should explain how you mitigate the risk of underage gambling.

Your local licensing authority can challenge your risk assessment if they feel there is evidence that local risks have not been taken into consideration.

Why do I need to have a local risk assessment?

The aim of this requirement is to enable you to engage with your local licensing authority in constructive dialogue. Doing so at an early stage reduces the likelihood of costly enforcement action at a later date.

Do I have to submit my local risk assessment to my licensing authority?

Whilst there is no statutory requirement for you to share your risk assessments with responsible authorities or interested parties, it is best practice.

We recommend you hold premises risks assessments on the premises. Doing so can save considerable time and expense, as well as increasing the confidence of those agencies as to your awareness of your obligations.