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LCCP RET list: Procedure and guidance for removal of organisations

LCCP RET list for annual contributions to support research, prevention and treatment: procedure and guidance for the removal of organisations

Published: 30 July 2021

Last updated: 30 July 2021

This version was printed or saved on: 4 October 2024

Online version: https://www.gamblingcommission.gov.uk/licensees-and-businesses/guide/lccp-ret-list-procedure-and-guidance-for-removal-of-organisations

Overview: ## Introduction

The purpose of this guidance note is to reiterate the requirements and expectations for organisations on the LCCP RET list for research, prevention and treatment, and clarify the circumstances, criteria and process for removing organisations from the list.

Background - LCCP RET list procedure and guidance for the removal of organisations

On 1 January 2020 a new LCCP requirement came into force requiring operators to direct their annual financial contribution for gambling research, prevention and treatment (referred to as RET for shorthand) as required by LCCP SR code 3.1.1 to one or more organisations on a list maintained by the Commission.

This change was a result of the Commission’s review of the RET arrangements in February 2018 which concluded that the current voluntary system was falling short of its objectives. The Commission was concerned that RET contributions were disparate and uncoordinated and that some recipients of RET contributions had no clear link to the research, prevention or treatment of gambling harms. To address this the Commission committed to improving the transparency of the amounts and destinations of RET funding, with a specific commitment in relation to LCCP and following a public consultation the amended SR code came into force.

Requirements for operators

The purpose of the LCCP RET list is to demonstrate to operators how to be compliant with the LCCP requirement to make annual financial contributions to research, prevention and treatment.

Operators must:

Requirements for organisations on the LCCP RET list

By accepting RET contributions from licensed operators, organisations on the LCCP RET list commit to:

Collaborating under the National Strategy to Reduce Gambling Harms to:

Upholding the principles of the Strategy by taking:

Organisations on the LCCP RET list are also expected to:

Approach - LCCP RET list procedure and guidance for the removal of organisations

The Gambling Commission commits to working with organisations on the LCCP RET list in an open, supportive and transparent manner. Any investigations into possible removal from the LCCP RET list will be conducted fairly and openly and organisations whose status on the LCCP RET list is under consideration will be given the opportunity to review and comment on their potential removal before a final decision is made.

We expect organisations on the LCCP RET list to also be open and transparent with the Commission and to alert us as soon as possible to any potential issues which may affect their status on the LCCP RET list, including any formal investigations.

Removal from the LCCP RET list

Organisations on the LCCP RET list must inform the Commission of anything that could have a significant impact on the nature or structure of their organisation. Any misrepresentation or failure to reveal information may be deemed sufficient cause for the organisation to be refused or removed from the list of organisations to which gambling businesses may make financial contributions in order to meet the LCCP RET requirement.

Examples of criteria which would undermine the aims and objectives of the LCCP RET list and would result in review and likely removal from the list include (but are not limited) to the following:


Where there is evidence of a serious concern which may compromise the aim of the LCCP RET list, call into question an organisation’s suitability to be on the RET list, or an issue that could have a significant impact on the nature or structure of an organisation on the list, the Gambling Commission will undertake an internal review as follows:

An organisation that is removed from the LCCP RET list will not to be prevented from applying to rejoin the RET list again, but the Commission may take account of any previous decision that has been made when assessing the application.


If an organisation wishes to appeal a decision made by the review panel for removal from the list, the following appeals process will apply: