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Single machine application for a permit - Guidance notes

Gambling Commission guidance notes to assist completing an application form for a single machine permit.

Published: 13 October 2022

Last updated: 15 November 2022

This version was printed or saved on: 17 September 2024

Online version: https://www.gamblingcommission.gov.uk/guidance/single-machine-application-for-a-permit-guidance-notes


Who should complete this form?

An individual or business or entity who wishes to apply for a permit to supply, maintain, repair or install a single machine under section 250 of the Gambling Act 2005 (opens in a new tab).

Introduction to the guidance notes

This guidance has been produced to help you complete the application form for a Gambling Commission single machine permit (opens in a new tab). Read this document carefully before you attempt to answer any questions.

Should an incomplete form be submitted to the Commission (for example you fail to provide compulsory information) this will result in your request being delayed and may result in your request being refused.

If you submit a form with incorrect information, your application will still be processed but is more likely to be rejected. If you misrepresent, or fail to reveal, information that you are asked to provide, unless you have a reasonable excuse, you will have committed an offence under section 342 of the Gambling Act 2005 (opens in a new tab).

Please note, after receipt of your completed form, the Commission may still need to contact you for any further information we consider necessary in order to determine your request, for example, if information you provide is unclear.

Completing the application form

You must email the completed form to us at licensing@gamblingcommission.gov.uk therefore:

An example of completing the form is as follows:

A screenshot of part of the single machine application form completed in black ink, with capital letters apart from the email address which is case sensitive, with gaps between words such as the postcode and all writing within the boxes provided on the form. The questions completed for this example include Street - 'STANLEY ROAD', Postcode - 'LS2 7LY', Date of birth - '14021970', Cross (X) No or Yes - 'X' in No and Email -  'richard.gregory@btinternet.com'.

If there is not enough space on the form to answer any of the questions, continue on a separate sheet making sure that you refer to the section and question number. You must date and sign each sheet.

Payment and submitting the application

Information about payment and submitting the application.

Section 1 - Identity of individual applicant and/or nominated contact for business applicant

Individual applicant

If you are an individual applicant, you must answer all questions in section 1. Section 1 is where you provide the Gambling Commission with the information we need to confirm your identity.

It is particularly important that you provide the Commission with details of all your home addresses in the last five years. You must give the Commission a United Kingdom (UK) address to which we can issue a permit, if your home address is abroad. All correspondence relating to the application will be issued to the UK address.

Question 1

Q1. Applicant details if you are an individual or name of the designated contact responsible for this application if applicant is a business, entity or other. You must provide an email address in answer to this question as all future correspondence will be sent via email.

Provide your personal details including name, address, other contact details and your date of birth. If you do not have a passport or driving licence please state N/A.

The occupancy status refers to the capacity by which you occupy the premises such as owner, joint owner, living with parents or renting. You should provide a home and/or personal phone number wherever possible. Also provide details of your place of birth and nationality.

Question 2

Q2. If an individual applicant, have you ever been known by another name (including name changes and previous name)?

Indicate if you have ever been known by another name including any previous names or aliases. If yes, please state the name in full and the dates that you were known by this name.

Question 3

Q3. If an individual applicant, please detail all your previous home addresses in the last five years.

Provide details of any current other home addresses (such as second homes) and all of your home addresses in the last five years.

Applicant is an entity, business or other

Only answer questions 1a to 1I in this section. All other questions in Section 1 are only relevant if you are an individual applicant.

This is an administrative section and will have no bearing on the application.

The nominated person will be the contact for all correspondence relating to this application. A UK-based address must be given. This address will also be the address to which all correspondence relating to the application and any permit that may be issued will be sent. For businesses based abroad you may use a UK-based solicitor or other UK-based representatives.

Provide all telephone contact numbers where possible.

Section 2 - Applicant is a business entity or other

Question 4

Q4. If the applicant is a business, entity or other (not an individual), please complete the following.

Q4a. If the entity is registered with a statutory or governing body, its registered name should be entered against this question. If you are not a registered entity (e.g. an individual or partnership) use the name which corresponds to either a passport or trading name.

Q4b. Enter your trading name if it is different from the answer provided in question 4a.

Question 5

Q5. If the entity is a registered organisation and/or business, complete the following.

If the entity is registered with a statutory or governing body, its registered address should be entered against this question.

Question 6

Q6. If the entity does not have a registered office or the head office is different from the registered address, complete the following in respect of the head office.

If the entity does not have a registered address, or has a head office which is different from its registered address, answer this question.

Question 7

Q7. Has the entity ever been known by another name?

If the entity or individual has been registered under a different name (i.e. change of company name, previous name or aliases), you should answer YES. Cross (X) in only one box.

Section 3 - Notification of convictions

Section 3 is where you provide the Gambling Commission with details of any criminal convictions you have.

State whether the applicant has been convicted of a relevant offence1 and whether the applicant has been convicted of any other offence.

In relation to relevant offences, both spent and unspent convictions must be declared.

Indicate whether you, the entity or any of its directors, partners or officers, have ever been found guilty of any relevant criminal offence in the United Kingdom (UK) or abroad, including any offences where the sentence was a fixed penalty fine. Provide details of the offence(s), including penalties, dates, location, court and any other details including any reference number where known.

The Commission undertakes to discuss any matter revealed in a notification of conviction with the person before recommending refusal. All applicants are entitled to a personal hearing before such a refusal.

Having a criminal record will not necessarily bar a person from holding a licence from the Commission. This will depend on all the circumstances of that particular case. However, failure to disclose this information will be a factor when considering your honesty.

Q8a. If you are an individual applicant, provide details of any criminal convictions against this question.

Q8b. If you are an entity, provide details of any criminal convictions against this question.

1 See Schedule 7 of the Gambling Act 2005 (opens in a new tab)

Section 4 - Details of machine

Question 9

Q9. Please provide details of the machine in respect of which this permit is required.

Provide full details of the machine in respect of which you are seeking this permit.

If the machine has no serial number, with your application you must provide clear photographs of all sides of the machine to demonstrate that it has no serial number.

Section 5 - Details of activity

Question 10

Q10. Please indicate the activity you wish to undertake in respect of this machine and provide full details about the activity.

Indicate all the activities you wish to undertake in respect of this machine and provide full details about the activities, including:

Section 6 - Details of previous single permit applications

Question 11

Q11. Please provide details of previous single permit applications you have made to the Gambling Commission or its predecessor, the Gaming Board for Great Britain.

Provide details of all previous single permit applications you have made to the Gambling Commission or its predecessor, the Gaming Board for Great Britain, in the last five years.

If you have made more than one application in the last five years, continue on a separate sheet, signing and dating the sheet and referring to the section number and question number.

Section 7 - Declaration

The declaration must be signed in all cases:

Freedom of Information Act 2000

Any information or material sent to the Gambling Commission and which we record may be subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (opens in a new tab).

The Gambling Commission's privacy policy is available on our website. Whilst the Commission recognises that the information it requests and receives may be commercially sensitive information or personal data. The Commission will treat all such information as confidential and will only disclose that information where it is necessary to do so in order to carry out the Commission's functions or where the Commission is required by law to disclose the information.

As a public authority, the Commission must comply with the requirements of the Freedom on Information Act 2000 and must consider requests for information under the Act on a case by case basis. However, the Commission would not normally expect that the disclosure of commercially sensitive information to a potential competitor would be in the public interest.

Section 8 - Payment and submitting the application

The application fee for a single machine permit is £40.00.

Paying for your application

You must pay the fee by BACS transfer and you must make the payment on the same day you email the completed form to us.

When paying by BACS transfer, you must use the full name you used in Question 1 of the application form with the payment details. This enables us to identify the payment as being for this application. All payments must be made in pounds sterling (GBP).

Payment by cheque is not accepted.

The Gambling Commission's bank details.

Submitting the application

If the fee is not provided, the form is completed incorrectly or supporting documentation is missing, this will result in your application being delayed and may result in your application being refused or returned.

You must email the completed form to us at licensing@gamblingcommission.gov.uk. Do not post the form, we do not accept applications by post.

The form has been designed to obtain the information the Commission needs to determine whether you meet the criteria for a single machine permit. The principles set out in the Gambling Act 2005 require that the Commission may only grant a permit if satisfied the licensing objectives are irrelevant to the activity for which the permit is sought.