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Club gaming and machine permits

Information about the renewal process for club gaming and club machine permits.

Published: 28 May 2021

Last updated: 15 November 2022

This version was printed or saved on: 27 July 2024

Online version: https://www.gamblingcommission.gov.uk/licensees-and-businesses/guide/club-gaming-and-machine-permits

Overview: Information about the renewal process for club gaming and club machine permits.

How to apply

Apply for a club gaming or club gaming machine permit from your local licensing authority, which is usually your local council.

You can find your local council on GOV.UK (opens in new tab).

Club gaming permit

A club gaming permit (CGP) is available to members’ clubs or miners’ welfare institutes, but not commercial clubs.

It allows the club to offer:

Restrictions on the gaming

These are:

Club machine permit

A club machine permit (CMP) is available to members’ clubs, miners’ welfare institutes and commercial clubs.

It allows the club to offer:

Restrictions on the gaming

These include limits on:

Duration of club gaming and machine permits

A club gaming permit or club machine permit lasts for ten years unless it ceases to have effect because it is surrendered or lapses.

In England and Wales

In England and Wales, a club gaming or machine permit that was granted under a fast track procedure (by those clubs with Club Premises Certificates under the Licensing Act 2003) does not expire.

It only ceases to have effect if it is:

In Scotland

In Scotland, there is no fast-track procedure. Permits will need to be renewed after 10 years.

Renewal of club machine and gaming permits

An application for the renewal of a club machine or club gaming permit must be made during the period beginning three months before the permit expires and ending six weeks before it expires.

Example: if the club gaming permit or machine permit was issued on 1 October 2007, you'd need to apply for renewal between 1 July 2017 and 20 August 2017.

Although set out in different regulations, the process for renewal is the same in Scotland as in England and Wales, unless specified.

Renewal costs

The process for club gaming permit or machine permit renewal is exactly the same as for a new application. The renewal fee for clubs is also the same as for a new application and is £200.

A club in England or Wales that originally applied for a club gaming permit or machine permit under the normal application process (not fast-tracked) because it did not hold a club premises certificate at that time, but has since secured a club premises certificate, will then renew at the fast-track reduced fee of £100.