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OUNs allow licensed operators to provide betting facilities at a genuine sporting event without the need for a full betting premises licence.
Published: 4 January 2021
Last updated: 1 November 2021
This version was printed or saved on: 6 February 2025
Online version:
Overview: OUNs are designed to allow licensed betting operators to provide betting facilities at genuine sporting events (such as point-to point racecourses and golf courses for major competitions) within the boundaries of the identified venue on a specific date, without the need for a full betting premises licence.
OUNs can only be relied upon for a total of eight days or less in a calendar year. We recommend that you keep a record of the number of notices served in relation to each track/football ground etc.
The limit applies to the venue and not the individual submitting the notice. Each notice must specify the day on which it has effect, and notices can be given in relation to consecutive days as long as the overall limit of eight days in a calendar year is not exceeded.
On receipt of a notification you should contact the person responsible or occupier of the track to remind them that betting facilities can only be provided by licensed bookmaker. You should check that the betting operator has the appropriate licence from us and consider the nature of any event associated with an OUN and seek to establish details of the ‘sporting event’ taking place.
Ultimately, you should assure yourselves that the primary purpose of the OUN is to facilitate betting on events taking place at the identified venue on the date concerned, and not at events taking place elsewhere such as the Cheltenham Festival or Royal Ascot.
In the event of an OUN being served contrary to the legislative intention please contact the Commission to discuss an appropriate response.
Point-to point organisers have a responsibility to ensure that commercial betting facilities at meetings are provided lawfully.
For general betting facilities this means by holders of a betting operator’s licence.
Previously, Betfred, trading as The Tote, held an exclusive licence (up to and including 12 July 2018) to offer pool betting in respect of British horse racing. Anyone other than The Tote required an authorisation from them to carry out pool betting on British horse racing.
The expiry of the exclusive licence means that any authorisations granted are no longer effective. As of 13 July 2018 all holders of a pool betting operating licence will be able to offer pool betting in respect of British horse racing.
More guidance on horse-race pool betting
Random inspections at point-to-point meetings are carried out to ensure that betting facilities are being lawfully provided.
A point to point and hunter chase race calendar (opens in new tab) is available from the Point-To-Point Racing Company with around 180 fixtures taking place between November and June.